
酒齢25年を超える貴重な白州モルト原酒の中から、クリーミーでウッディーな原酒、ピートを効かせたスモーキー原酒、 果実味濃厚なシェリー樽原酒を厳選・吟味し、じっくりと後熟。芳醇壮麗な熟成の極み。From the precious Hakushu malt liquor over 25 years old, creamy and woody liquor, smoky liquor with peat, Carefully selected and scrutinized sherry barrel liquor with rich fruit, and slowly ripened. The height of mellow and magnificent aging.

酒齢25年を超える貴重な白州モルト原酒の中から、クリーミーでウッディーな原酒、ピートを効かせたスモーキー原酒、 果実味濃厚なシェリー樽原酒を厳選・吟味し、じっくりと後熟。芳醇壮麗な熟成の極み。From the precious Hakushu malt liquor over 25 years old, creamy and woody liquor, smoky liquor with peat, Carefully selected and scrutinized sherry barrel liquor with rich fruit, and slowly ripened. The height of mellow and magnificent aging.
果実味濃厚なシェリー樽原酒を厳選・吟味し、じっくりと後熟。芳醇壮麗な熟成の極み。From the precious Hakushu malt liquor over 25 years old, creamy and woody liquor, smoky liquor with peat,
Carefully selected and scrutinized sherry barrel liquor with rich fruit, and slowly ripened. The height of mellow and magnificent aging.